» stages: a prep class


In my experience as a birther and as a doula I have found that so much of the fear and avoidance that people have regarding childbirth and postpartum is due to both misinformation and over exposure to information. I believe that birth is meant to be a mystery. That the story of your birth is unknown until the day your birth unfolds to prepare you for all of the surrender and release of control that it takes to parent. However, preparing yourself IS empowering yourself. Taking intentional time to sit with what is already in motion and what is to come is a potent way to prepare your mind, body and spirit for laboring with, birthing and mothering your baby. My class is built to help you do just that through education and exploration.

getting prepared for the path ahead …

This course I created is made up of three separate 2-3 hour classes. Due to COVID-19, two of the three sessions can be held virtually. The third session is ideally done in your home. All classes are taught privately to allow more freedom for you to ask questions and lightly tailor your learning experience to fit you and your family’s needs.

What sets these preparation classes apart from your typical child birth education is the focus on what is not known and what cannot be taught. While there are things we do know and can control in birth, there is much more that we cannot. This, I believe, is where the real learning and preparing blooms. In class we will move through each stage of this learning journey holding the sacred void in the same expansive container as the valued knowns.

[m]otherboard is the platform that I use to help guide the class. Below you can see examples of the beautifully intricate illustrations and poignant photos. In the modules you’ll learn from detailed visuals and digestible info bits to spark conversation and deepen your connection to the learning experience. [m]otherboard also gives you access to interactive handouts, one sheets and a birth preferences generator to keep your desires organized.

No matter where you are on your path today , no matter what stage, there is a starting point in this class for you. We can cover anything from conception and early pregnancy, to labor and birth into feeding and what to expect/how to prepare for the fourth trimester. This is more than a childbirth education class. It is a support system you’ll have from pre to post. With all of my learned and earned knowledge, my beliefs that nature is intelligent and your intuition is your greatest tool, I will help you and your family build confidence that will serve you on every step of this journey.


Investment: $400.00