» love notes


 “I was really skeptical about hiring a doula for the birth of my son. I kept hearing other women gush over their doulas, but my husband and I felt prepared (even though this was our first!) and didn't feel like we would need any help beyond our midwives. At 36 weeks pregnant, we decided to interview some doulas just to see if we vibed with any. There must have been a reason everyone recommends hiring a doula. We figured at the very least, she could help us determine when it was time to head to the birth center. Meeting Krystal was awesome. We clicked right away. She walked us through everything a doula does, and met with us several times before the big day. I could not anticipate how instrumental she would be in our birth. I'm so thankful we hired her because she did WAY more than help us determine when to head to the birthing center. She provided pre and postpartum support, labor massage, snacks, great company during the long night, extra hands wherever needed, an opportunity for my husband to get some sleep, encouraging words, and, perhaps most importantly, she was a witness to the most amazing day of my life. I feel we are bonded forever, as tightly as I gripped her hand while pushing my baby out! I highly recommend meeting with Krystal, whether you're having a home birth, birth center birth, hospital birth or c-section. The support of an experienced doula is invaluable especially for first-time parents. Krystal, I can't thank you enough for everything you brought to my birth. Thank you for squeezing onto that little bathtub ledge so i could comfortably grip your hand. Thank you for watching The Office with me in the wee hours and laughing with me between contractions. Thank you for the nut butter packets. Thank you for coming over and recounting the experience with me and reminding me that it was more than the pain. Thank you, thank you, thank you! See you at the next one ;)”

— Sarah



 “Hiring Krystal as our birth doula was an excellent decision. From the first time we met mid-way through the pregnancy, she was responsive, attentive, thoughtful, and kind. She listened to our questions and anticipated our concerns, and her insights and perspective helped us navigate this challenging and exciting time. As a first-time dad, I admit that I did not fully appreciate the value or precise role of a birth doula, but I’m deeply grateful that I didn’t have to learn the hard way. Her counsel during labor was invaluable, and she helped me both feel good about the process and figure out how to more effectively support the lady doing the hard work. I highly recommend her.”

— Beau

"I deeply appreciated how Krystal took care of my wife and our newborn with both emotional intelligence and credible expertise. As a new parents there can be so many questions. Krystal provided knowledgeable answers and always without judgement. She let my wife and I sleep with peace of mind and to be honest,  as a new dad that counts for a lot."

— Colin

“Krystal made my transition to motherhood exponentially more joyful. She gave me peace of mind when I needed rest, taught my husband and I how to read our baby’s cues, helped me process the birth experience and navigate a new relationship with my body. I’m forever grateful and would recommend her services to anyone who is taking on parenthood.”

— Lindsay



  “Krystal was recommended to us by Jessica Diggs, a highly respected doula in the LA area. At our initial meeting my husband and I immediately felt comfortable with Krystal; she was friendly, honest, open and approachable. Although she was just starting her journey, it was more important to my partner and I to feel comfortable and connected with our doula rather than have someone with tons of experience who didn’t offer us the same level of comfort. Let’s be honest, the doula(s) you choose will be supporting you both through the most personal moments, and you want to feel completely at ease. We found that with Krystal. She communicated often and provided consistent support leading up to and during the birth of our son. My birth didn’t go to plan, but she supported my decisions without any judgment or attempts to persuade otherwise. Overall, I highly recommend Krystal. She will provide you with whatever support is necessary for you and your partner during pregnancy, birthing, and early recovery.”

— Angela

“I am very grateful to have had Krystal as my doula for my first pregnancy. She was supportive and responsive in preparation for the birth, and provided calm and confident support during my labor. Especially when things did not go according to plan, I was grateful to have her there to talk through my options and make decisions about medications and interventions. She supported me in my decisions and was reassuring and encouraging. After my daughter was born, she followed up via text prior to our in-person visit to see how we were doing in our first days at home. During the home visit, she helped us try different techniques and strategies for breastfeeding and soothing. Throughout our time with Krystal, she has been consistently knowledgeable and incredibly generous with her time. I strongly recommend this lovely woman to anyone looking for support during their pregnancy, birth, and postpartum!”

— Lissy

“Hiring a doula is really one of the best things you can do before, during and after you give birth. The advice, emotional support and help they give is a lifesaver. After my C Section all sorts of weird things happened to my body that I had no idea how to cope with. It’s hard enough learning to care for a child, but when you’re in recovery you really need someone. Krystal came over and helped me through some of the challenges of early postpartum when my body just wasn’t right. I was in need of physical, spiritual and emotional support and she provided it in a way that made me feel safe, seen and heard. She also bonded with our son right away and had a great way with him. She is truly a great doula and woman.”

— Ramona



“My experience with Krystal was perfect. Naturally as a first time mama I was a bit nervous about how things would go, but with her support and suggestions everything felt simple and doable. I felt immediate ease and comfort with her; like I could ask any questions and express any thoughts or fears. She is an excellent teacher and truly went above and beyond to make my partner and I feel comfortable and supported. I am so grateful to have had Krystal help with my transition into motherhood.”

— Prachi

 “As a new father, I had absolutely no idea what to expect when my son entered the world. Sure, my friends and family with children gave me all the advice in the world, but the reality was that deep down it was impossible to be fully prepared. I knew I had to be ready for anything. The result? I was terrified! When I conveyed my concerns to Krystal, she immediately understood and validated my feelings. She made it clear that it was OK for me to be scared and uncertain, and reassured me that she would be there to make sure that I started fatherhood with support and confidence; and indeed she did! As soon as we brought our son home, Krystal helped us begin to establish our "new normal". She made our son's transition easier and put us as new parents more at ease. Contacting Krystal was the best decision our new family made!”

— Nevin