
The mainstream approach to the fourth trimester leaves a lot of families feeling unsupported and not at all prepared for what lies ahead. My goal is to help you navigate the start of this truly awesome journey, empowered, nourished and supported. To date I have had three postpartum journeys, all of which moved through me in different ways. My deepest takeaway that threads through all of my experiences has been that support truly is EVERYTHING. Whether it be from friends, family or a hired doula, having help in the fist days and weeks after bringing a new being earth side can move you from crushing overwhelm to transitional bliss.


better emotional and physical recovery after birth

deeper satisfaction with the postpartum experience

increased bonding with baby, reducing the likelihood of PPMDs

more success bonding and lactating/ breastfeeding due to lower cortisol

more rest and a lighter overall load for both parents




What’s Included?

A Prenatal Visit: A prenatal visit in your home will allow us to meet and talk about the support I can offer once your baby is born. If you are bringing me in to help with daytime in home care we can talk about all the things I can offer for the time that you’ve booked. Scheduling can be done once your baby has arrived. If I am supporting you with meals we will talk about your diet, household staples, who i’ll be feeding etc to help me start creating your custom menu. At this prenatal I can also give some hands-on support getting things around the house ready

Daytime In Home: Postpartum care in the home focuses on nurturing the entire family. Prioritizing rest, ease, comfort and bonding. These visits can be scheduled weekly between the hours of 9am and 3pm, Monday through Friday. There are three package sizes you can choose from 16 hours to 48 hours. All house must be used within your first four months postpartum.

Meal Prep: On an agreed upon day each week, I will drop off meals for the family. I shop for fresh groceries in the morning and spend the day cooking. Each drop will include breakfast, lunch/dinner and snacks. From grocery shop to drop off at your door, it typically takes me nine hours for this service (time may vary based on family size or requested recipes). To reduce waste, meals will be delivered in reusable containers that you will wash and return when new meals are being delivered. All diets can be accomodated!

Investment: $36.00 an hour


