
So, what even is this?

Placenta Encapsulation is the process of converting a whole raw placenta into capsules that can be consumed during the postpartum period. This practice has been alive in China as well as many other cultures for thousands of years. The Traditional Chinese method, where you steam and dehydrate the organ, is probably the most common method used today. In service of balancing the qi (or energy) in our bodies, the placenta is steamed with warming, grounding elements (lemon, ginger, cinnamon, rosemary, cayenne) before it is dehydrated and ground into a fine powder to be encapsulated. Placentophagy is practiced by almost all mammals in the animal kingdom. To date, the only consistent exception found has been camels. Many animals will even ignore their young completely until they’re finished ingesting the afterbirth. This traditional and ancestral mode of healing is special in that it is custom medicine for your body and your baby. The tailored benefits you’ll receive from something your body created itself could never be matched in another pharmaceutical drug or even homeopathic remedy.


What’s included:

  • call/email to coordinate logistics

  • on call from 38 weeks

  • pick up and drop off

  • labeled jar of capsules

  • instructions for usage & proper storage

  • dried umbilical chord keepsake

  • blood print on watercolor paper

  • placenta tincture (+ $35)

  • placenta salve (+ $45)


Why should I do it?

Throughout your pregnancy your hormone levels will gradually rise all to support your growing baby. The placenta is an endocrine organ, meaning it is an organ that produces hormones .. this starts around 6 to 8 weeks gestation and by the end of your pregnancy your hormones are at 3x the normal level. In the final stage of labor when the placenta is born, IN SECONDS you will lose close to 50% of your hormones (with a continuing decline bottoming out around day 4 or 5 postpartum) and a large amount of blood from the placenta sized wound now exposed inside of your uterus. When you consume the placenta you are reintroducing those hormones, that iron and the extra nutrients back to the body while you heal to ‘help take the edge off’ of that massive shift from 3x more than usual to much less than “normal. Traditionally, consuming the placenta has been known to;

  • Lighten postpartum bleeding (or lochia)

  • support milk supply

  • have anti inflammatory properties

  • increase iron levels to combat fatigue and increase energy

  • bring the body back into balance

  • prevent and treat baby blues, lowering chances or PPMD

  • smooth transition for the uterus back to pre pregnancy size

Investment: $300