« Incredible person

Much love from my spirit to yours as you build your team of support for this sacred rite of passage. I celebrate and admire the caring parent you already are for the intentional act of seeking a doula. And I am so glad that your search has pit stopped here!

It is a privilege to walk beside women as they transition from maiden to mother. Although you may be feeling the weight of inching closer and closer to the greatest unknown, it is my belief that there is a deep inner knowing ..you already know how to bear, birth and rear. It is within you. My work as a birth keeper is to help expand the container for it all. Have true faith in your body, your power and your mama’s intuition.

Please stay a while! If you feel the jive to your vibe reach out so we can connect. We can talk about anything and I am happy to answer any questions about myself or my current offerings.

Happy searching, be good & be well xx




  • higher likelihood of satisfaction with your birth experience

  • decreased physical discomfort and anxiety

  • emotional reassurance, comfort and encouragement

  • more consistent, frequent, intuitive, whole person care in all stages of this journey


  • a guide, a mirror, a friend

  • two prenatal visits

  • one month of on call time from 38 to 42 weeks

  • continuous emotional, physical and informational support throughout your labor, birth and the golden hours post birthing

  • a postpartum visit


  • a safe space for the wholeness of your postpartum

  • day time in home family care

  • weekly drop of tailored, nourishing foods to feed your family, body and soul


  • capsules, umbilical chord keepsake, blood print (salves and tinctures available by request)

  • preventative support for PPMDs

  • increased postnatal iron levels

  • the spectrum of benefits from reintroduction of hormones, nutrients, vitamins and minerals back to the body post birth